Friday, June 12, 2009


I read someone's blog about being unemployed midway through the 26-week cycle. I have been a victim for a month.

I see she shares some of the same feelings I do about being unemployed. I was, I feel, unfairly treated at my last job of 9 + years, in which I did my former boss' work and had ALL the answers for the whole team. I was one of two program managers who remained to pick up the pieces when our former boss (who now returned) left for another job. I and my counterpart were left to the devices of a woman who, now dead, did nothing. When her boss was left in charge after her death, things fell to pieces. She confirmed for herself that I was indeed a threat to her and started nitpicking about crap that she would have easily overlooked for her "cronies". Arms folded and looking right through me as though I was a ghost, she was, clearly not involved in our conversation but creating her grocery shopping list or worrying about what DVDs to return to Blockbuster.

I, too, got some sort of opportunities at less than unemployment rate, that's if the Generation Y-er at the placement service ever acknowledges I exist. I had two interviews, one of which turned me down. The other is pending but I'm really hesitant due to never having time with my six-year-old son when I work 40-hour weeks.

But I now can see Logan get off the bus, and he loves it and hugs me like never before. I save on day care, and write more. I completed the second sequel to my latest novel and can do laundry when I please. I jog with my dogs and breathe the fresh day air that we get here in Central New York a couple of months a year.

If it rains, I can work on Logan's scrapbook. The basement needs cleaning up too.

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