Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Our President, for whom I voted, touted "change" in his campaign. I always touted "change". But some things never change.

It's been said that while everyone changes, a person's true character is formed by the time h/she is five or six. And that never changes.

My work friend asked me recently if reading my old writings was indicative of whether my insights and instincts changed. They have not.

My work friend, who retired last fall, still goes to bed early.
My other work friend still wears those pants whose hem she took down, displaying a dirty edge.
My retired work friend says you can't change a leopard's spots. And you can't change the leopard's ideals, opinions, morals, clothing or other stains.

People don't change. People are people. They are afraid, caring, mean, happy, sad, gossipy, quiet.
You cannot label people according to their field, color, race, religion, gender or sexual identity.

I'm trying hard to network because I have come to a crossroads now in terms of career. My heart is a writer's, but the economy tells me to "get a new job", and I'm frightened. I never fit in that world and feel at 50 I should stop being a square peg in a round hole.

I guess I didn't really change either.

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